I recently had the opportunity to create a website about my music classroom. We used the Sites tool as one of the many programs offered through google.com. I titled my site Ms. Lovell's Music Classroom. I thought this was a great idea to incorporate a page that states a little about myself and my experiences in music and life in general.
I also created a page that is titled "Attendance and Grading" that gives my students simple instructions on what must be accomplished and how attendance is mandatory in order to get a good grade in my class. I created a page titled "Classroom Rules" as well. This page lists a few short rules that students must follow and we will get along and have a great time.
I created another page called "A Letter to Parents and Students." This page includes many of the reasons why I am so very excited to start the new year with all of my students both old and new. I also created a choice page called "Maintaining Vocal Health." This page contains some pointers and ways to keep your voice healthy for singing and speaking as well. The next page on my website is called "Music Resources." This page was very helpful to develop since I will always need internet resources for my music classroom.
What went well-I was very happy that we had created the Music Class Resources Wiki page because I ended up using some of the shared resources from my pbworks wiki page to complete my website "Music Resources" page.
The next page I included in my website was a "Tech Projects" page. This page was useful for me to post examples of projects I had completed in TPTE 486 for others to see some of my technological work. I did have some problems with this page...
What did not go well- I successfully uploaded some of the required files on my "Tech Projects" page; however, I was unable to upload one of my finest works with that being my "Musical Instruments" flipchart. Evidently something happened to my .flipchart and it changed into a .ashx and no one knew how to fix this issue. I was successful in uploading my flipchart to my dropbox so that I could use it in the future.
The next page was the "Web 2.0 Tools." I chose to create a web 2.0 tool page about Audioboo. My fellow Art Education major and I got together to form this page. This was very easy to accomplish because it was a collaborative effort.
The next page is titled "Welcome Note." This page is pretty self explanatory.
What could have gone better- The "Welcome Note" is listed at the bottom of my links at the side of my homepage on the tool bar. Since this is a "WELCOME" note I would like for it to be at the top of my links on the tool bar. I know that the program makes everything go in alphabetical order, but I think this is definitely something worth noting about.
I really enjoyed this course and I have most certainly learned a whole lot about technology and the many contributions the internet provides to the education of the classroom through web 2.0 tools and the projects that we have created to help us in the classroom such as using the Promethean board for the Inspiration program, and the Active Inspire program. Thanks for such a great semester of learning!
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